2016-2017 Yearbook

SARAH OF ALL TRADES ----------------B_r Amanda Flo_rd Born and raised in Greenbrier, Arkansas, senior Sarah Dixon came lo Harding to pursue her lm-c for the ,Hittcn word. Although :he was ajournalism major, Dixon \\·as i11\'oh ed in far more than justjournalism. Along \\ith school, Di.xon's activities included working as a barista and social media manager at Kibo ~!kl.night Oil Coffeehouse, being head copy editor of the Bison newsp ape1; direcLing choreography for the 2016 Homecoming musical ''Crazy for You," teaching Aute lessons and blogging. Dixon had to organize each facet of her life in order to accomplish everything. Sometimes, even organizing everything was not enough. "It is easy to get overwhelmed, and to feel like there aren·t enough hours in the clay, because often times there arc not," Dixon said. "It's about waking up every day thinking, 'Yes I have a lot on my plate, but thi is ometJ1ing I can handle.' I just need lo be prepared and have days where [1] can let myself off the hook."' According to Dixon's fiiend,junior Rachel VanCuren. Di."Xon was tl1e busiest person he lmev\: During. pring 2016. they created a blog together called "Gently \ \'hole." The goal of the blog was to help them . tay in touch while they were busy. \"anCuren aid. "Sarah has been super amazing about the blog, and she·s really talented,"' \'anCuren aid. '·It' really cool to write with your best friend. and it's irneresting to see what we can do with our words and our creativity.'. \'anCuren said she wm very proud of Dixon because not only did she chase ::ifter her dreams, but she also made time to see her friends and encourage others. Dixon's ability LO rnultitask and adapt \\'as ultima tely the reason she got tl1c social media internship at Kibo l\!Ldnight Oil Coffcehous . According to h r intern ad,isor, Hillary ::-.Jiblock, Dixon, as exactly \\·ho they were looking for - someone who could adapt. ;\liblock said that adaptation \\'a especially important when managing social media, because it was constantly changing. "'\ \'orking witl1 her was so easy because of her willing11c s to learn and change," :-Jiblock aid. Dixon's hard work in her ruversc fields of interest bowed that ha\'ing a wide skill set could really pay off. Dixon said she belie,·ed all her work went toward a larger passion. "I don't want Lojust do these thing. because they might look good on my resume,·' Dixon said."[ want to do them because they are fulfilling for me." Dixon loved being a part of h 'r cliflcrcntjob . Sh even had advice for those who questioned their own dr ams. "If you have something you enjoy, like a hob! y or a certain interest,jusl go for it." Dixon said. Senior Sarah Dixon is not on(r afull-lime student. but also a head copy edi/01; choreograJ;her, barista. social media manager, flute in tructor and blogger. Di,on was the tap dance choreographer for this year ·s Homecoming musical. ''Cra<._)' for Jou." I Photo bJ' Jfac)' Pate ~r\lOH~ ~ 111