2016-2017 Yearbook

The SearC)' Police Department, including ojficers John A ska, Sam JI ebb, Chris Brown and Spo1ser Dange1Jield reuivcs t!teir body armo1: w!tich was donated b)' Hardi11g·s cri111i11nl justice department i11.-l ug1/j/ 2016. Lez•el n · body armor provided the highest Le1•el of protection. O.l determined k)' the. \"ational !11stitu/e of Justice. I Photo courte.l_)' of Samuel Je.ffrc_r 100),, \C \I JF.\I IC\ JUSTICE IS SERVED 13_!' Joshua Johnson "There are good people behind the blue) and there are a lot of things we can do for our officers to say) 'Thanks for what you )re doing.))) - Sierra Vang£lde~ senior criminal justice major