2015-2016 Yearbook

J\.fembers of the Shure Smiles oryanizatio11 rel!'usc balloons i11 llehcr Sprinys. Al'kunsas, on Au9. 29 The group ll'rote down their cf reams wHI p/ucccl them inside /he bul/0011s h<Jore n leusiny Lh!'m. Pholo i>y Owen Brown S, nior .les,irn Uutli11 .,in9s lo a lilllc yil'! dunny l'ivu J\Tinistry in Scptcmher. Students t'isitl'd the 8L'(1rcy neiyhhorlw,,tf ev!'l'!J Mo11da_11 to play yames a11cl provide puw {1>1· the d1il<lren. I Photo cou1·teSJJ of ,\hby '/'run SE H \' I CE in."'i