Gl'adiwtes Kyle Hively, Logun Dunie/sen, Scwwntha Ruiley and Demiel B(li/ey uttend the Arkansas Associ(l/ion of f/e(l/thSystem Phunnaeists Seminar in Little Rock, Arkansas. 011 Oct. 9. The St11de11t Society of Health-Sys/em Plwrmucy invited all members lo otlend the seminur fo1· c1 wc>ekend of programs and netwod:.iny. Photo courtesy of Lindsey !llcGury Senior Emily Brown Cltlencls the A/irnrni Taco Soup Luncheon Panel at tlze P1·yor-Englc111cl Scic>nce Center on Oct. 23. The pune/ inuited Harcliny alumni u•ith heCllth Sl'ience careers to talk to current students ubout opportunities in the workforce. I Photo by K<1z11 Fujisawa 2 0 B 0 H ( ; .\~I Z .\TIO~ S