Students ntterul Phi Alphu Theto·s ind1u·1iorz ce1·emorzy lead by ussociuLe professol' o.f history Julie llnrris on Sepl. 20. Phi Alphu Theta U!on the Nels A. Cleven Award.fol' Best Division II Chaptel' of 2015. \ Photo by Kuzu Fujisuwu Associate professor of histol'y .Julie Harris presents Phi Alpho The10 ·s Nels A. Cfruen Aworclfor Best Diviswn lI Chupte1· on Sept. 20. The students do1wtecl the uwurcl grant to the Brackett Uhruryfor the purchase of books lo promote the presen•ation c~f history ond liternture on cumpus. I Photo hy Kuzu Fujisczwu EDl'C.\TIO~ 207