GIVING BACK ByMudeUneJone., Scholars Advancing, Learning and Teaching, an education department organization, helped students gain real-world experience through seasonal service projects. According to the program website, SALT strove to provide education majors an opportunity to discuss issues in education on a local, state and national level. The organization also promoted local education by providing idea workshops. Members of SALT visited local grade schools on Halloween and Valentine's Day in addition to volunteering at Relay for Life and the Special Olympics events. SALT treasurer senior Rebeca Funes explained the process of visiting the schools for the holidays. "It gives you the first steps of what the classroom is because we get to read books to the kids on Halloween and Valentine's Day," Funes said. "Then you come up with an activity to do after you read." SALT president senior Shali Tacker participated in the Thanksgiving food donation project during her last semester before student teaching. Members ofthe organization donated food to families of students at Sidney Deener Elementary in Searcy, Arkansas, for the entire week of Thanksgiving break. Tacker said although SALT did not know the families, they trusted the teachers at Sidney Deener to give meals to those who needed it most. "It has helped me because I have had to not only work with fellow students, I have also had to work with professors who are higher up and organize things through them and go through different departments on campus to make sure an event happens," Tacker said. Funes also said SALT provided her with a Scho/ur, Adua11ei11g Leol'11iny and Teaching sponsor Lisa Bry(ln/ sepal'otesfoocl containers to be donoleci on Nol'. 19. SALTo,-yonized driue on campusfor.fiuni/ies al Sidney lhe11er Eleme11lury School in Searcy . .A.rkonsas. I Photo by Kcuu Fujis(lW(l confidence in the classroom only attainable through experience. Assistant professor in education and SALT sponsor Lisa Bryant said she inherited the organization from her predecessor, but when she was introduced to the organization, she knew it was right up her alley. Bryant said the staff in the education department played a vital role in SALT's success. "Everybody is school-minded because we're trying to create good teachers and so we are trying to lead by example," Bryant said. Bryant said although she was a sponsor, SALT students ran the organization. She said she appreciated the officers' hard work to make the seasonal community outreach programs successful. "They go above and beyond of what is expected of them," Bryant said. 2(iB OH(;.\~IZ.\TIO~S