2015-2016 Yearbook

Sophomore H'illiom Jacbon. alumnus anci Visney cw;/ memher Call'h Rummel. senior Chl'is Co11ncll. senior Knstina Kiser, Assistant Director ofAcimissio11s Nate Ramil'cz. senior Carrie Wingfield. Sluclent Publications .Adviser Katie Rami1·e1 u11ci freshmen J(liS(l liog11e u11ci Kaleb Turner i•isit H'ult l)isney l1/odli cl11ri11y their trip to Or/a11clo, Florid(l, 011 Sept. 18. They spent the morni119 ul Epcot a11c/ sluyec/for ;Hickey's Not-StJ-Scw·y Hallowee11 Pw·ty before firc•u.•orks ot the J\Iayic Ki11gc/om. I Photo courtesy of K1·istinci Kiser CO ,\I .\I l ' :'\ I C .\ T I O ~ '! (i :J