2015-2016 Yearbook

Junior Joe To/or. sophomore Cumeron Sunkel and alumno A1111a McDaniel rest in between matches on Oct. 10. Studenls paid to play in the Hnrding i:nited Soccer Club's Tournament. which raised funds to purclwse soccer supplius for tee11age1·s in lloncluras. I Photo hy Kazu Fujismuu Junior Anlonio Guido and.fl'eshman Caleb J\:lcjia 1·un qftel' lhe ball duriny the lounwment on (kt. 10. The ol'yunizalio11 invited stllclents from all ciround cumpus to join and play for c1 cu!lse. 1 Photo by Kazu Flljisau.Ju .\TIILETICS 2 ,) 7