S C O R E B O A R D Henderson State I 6:--Ro I L Southern Al'kansas I ""'0-?1 L Al'konsas Tech I 8:.1-79 (20T) W Ouachita Baptist I 83-87 L .Al'kansas Aionticello I 71-55 H' Oklahonw Baptist I 66-60 W S0ull1ern Nazurene I R2-60 W S0llthwester11 Oklahoma I 77-79 L Nol'tlzwestern Oklohoma I 80-77 W Southern Al'kansas I 83-74 W llendel'son State I 62-66 L Arkansas Tech I 52-Ho L Ouachita Baptist I 71-53 l-V Ark.-Mo11ticello I 82-50 iv • ·t Southeastern Oklahoma I 103-95 (OT) lV East Central I 50-61 L Chl'istiarz Brothers I 63-55 W Oklahoma Baptist I 81-70 W 8011/hern Nazarene I 70-51 vV Delta State I 51-59 L Christian Brothers I 69-47 W Southwestern Oklahoma I R5-74 W Norlhweslern Oklczhomcz 1 64-42 W Cameron I 65-66 L SET IT UP FOR Alumna Arielle Saunders was the first athlete at Harding to be named Conference Commissioners Association Central Region ScholarAthlete of the Year. This was not the first award Saunders won during her time on the basketball team but was one of her last before graduating in May 2015. She recognized her decision to attend Harding, rather than a state school, as a crucial part of her success. "School has always been real important to me," Saunders said. "I am a first generation graduate ... so school is my priority, and that is a big reason why I chose Harding. I had the desire for more of a family and spiritual focus." While in school Saunders said it never was an option not to do well. She maintained a 4.0 GPA during her entire college career. Head women's basketball coach Tim Kirby said Saunders' work ethic carried over onto the comt. "Anything we gave her as a challenge, she always did that plus more," Kirby said. Kirby had been a basketball coach at Harding for over 23 years and said recruiting was one of, if not the most important factors in a successful team. Kirby said contrary to most college recruiters, he sought players who understood all that Harding athletics encompassed, going beyond the court to make a good team. Kirby saw Saunders as an ideal candidate who fulfilled everything Harding had to offer. Sophomore teammate Sydney Layrock said Saunders was much more than a teammate and a good leader - she was also a great friend. "Arielle was a special teammate," Layrock said. "She always strove to be the best and has proved that she was just that. She's not just a good athlete, but she's an even better friend. I couldn't have made it through my freshman year here at HU without her pulling me under her wing." Saunders echoed Kirby and Layrock and said her teammates and coaches played a major role SAUNDERS By Madeline Jones in her success. "I was blessed with really great teammates throughout my career," Saunders said. Saunders said she tried to be consistent in basketball but attributed her extra success her senior year to the mentors she had on the team who graduated. "My senior year I was able to fill some roles number-wise," Saunders said. "That is what I think really lead to (winning awards)." Saunders said she could of gone to a state school and made money while in college by having a job but would not have formed the relationships nor have learned as much about herself from a basketball team. Kirby, who spent time at a coaching at a junior college before coming to Harding, said he learned a lot about what it takes to be a good coach and was glad to be here where he could work with players like Saunders. "(I) deal with a lot ofgood people," Kirby said. "That makes (my) job easy. It makes it fun." 2'•2 ATHLETICS