.Junior setter Abigail Glosup. senior outside hitter Molly Iloward and fresh mun middle blocker Zoe Hardin celebrc1te a point against lfende1·son Stute on Sep/. 17. llowurcl was the only seniol' playing for the Ludy Bisons this seuso11. I Photo hy Becca Riley ,Junior Abigail Glosup and seniol' Bianca Treuino circle up fur o timeout aguinst Ouachita Baptist Uniue,·sity 011 Sept. 29. Glosup had ct c·w·eer-high with 5.../- Clssisls in ct match this season. I Photo hy Owen Brown Y O L L E Y B . \ L I. 2 :~ :~ SCOREBOARD Southern A1·ku11sas I 2-3 L Arkansas-i\Jonticel/o I 0-3 L Arkc111sas Tech I 3-1 W Henderson State I 3-0 W Southe,·n 1lrka11sas I 2-3 L Ouachita Baptist 3-2 T1' Texas A&M Commerce I 3-1 W Southern Nazarene I 0-3 I. Okluhonw Baptist I 1-3 L S011tlrn1estern Oklahoma I 1-3 L Northwestern Oklahoma I 3-0 W East Central I 3-1 IV Southeastern Oklahomu I 3-2 W Lyon [ 3-0 W Arkcmsas Pine Bluj.f I 3-0 W Southern Arkansas I 0-3 I. Ouachita Baptist I 3-1 W Arka11sas-Mo11ticello I 3-0 W Ar/.:a11sos Tech I 0-3 I. Pittsburg Sate I 3-0 H' H aslibw·n I 0-3 L Central Missouri I 0-3 L Jle11derson Stute I 3-0 W J\lissouri-St. Louis I 0-3 L Emporia St(lte I 3-2 W Li11de11u1ood I 1-3 L Ar/..:unscis-Fort Smith I 2-3 L Cu111ero11 1 0-3 /, Te.ros ,l&M lilt'/ I 3-1 M' Terns Wonwn ·s I 1-3 L Texa.~ A&M Commerce I 2-3 L