Scott Ragsdale, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. of Comp. Sci. Kc\in Ramey. Ph.D.. Assoc. Prof. of PT/Dir. of Clinical Edu. Katie Ramirez, MBA, Dir. of Stu. Publications/Instr. of Comm. Rebekah Rampey, Ph.D., A5soc. Prof. of Biology Bob Reely, Ed.D., Prof. of Mgmt. Ronda Reely, B.S.N., Instr. of Nursing Peter Rice, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. of Bible Bill Richardson, D.Min., Prof. of Bible/Dir. of CAMT Rodney Richmond, l\!.S., Assoc. Prof. of Pharrn. Prac. Bob Ritchie, :\1.Ed.. Instr. of Comm. Studies Lisa Ritchie, Ed.D., ,\3soc. Prof. ofFCS/Dir. of Dietetics Tom Ritchie, M.Ecl., Asst. Prof. of Kines. Gary Ross, 1\1.S.. Asst. Prof. of Acct. Lacy Rush. :-VLS. E., Instr. of Excer. & Sports Sci. Don Sanders, 1\1.S.. Asst. Prof. of Biology Keith Schramm, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of Phys. Sci. Steve Shaner, l\!.S.. Asst. Prof. of Comm. Jim Shelton, Ph.D.. Prof. of Bus. Melissa Shipp. Pharm.D.. A5st. Prof. of Phann. Prac. ,Jack Shock, Ed.D., Prof. of Comm. ,Jon Singleton, Ph.D.. Asst. Prof. of English Cody Sipe, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of PT/Dir. of Clinical Research David Skelton, Ed.S., Dir. of NV, Ark. Prof. Ctr. Ellis Sloan. MBA, Asst. Prof. of Bus. Lori Sloan, MBA, Asst. Prof. of Mktg. Josiah Smelser, MBA, Asst. Prof. of Bus. Cheri Smith. Ed.D., ,\ssl. Prof. of Edu./Dept. Chair/Dir. of Elem. Clay Smith, BA, Lecturer of Bible Dadd Smith, M.S.P.T., Asst. Prof. of PT Forrest Smith, Ph.D., Assoc. Dean of Acad. Affairs/Pharm. Jeanie Smith, Pharm.D.. Asst. Prof. of Pharm. Patty Smith, B.S.N., Asst. Prof. of 1 ursing Ron Smith, Ph.D....\:;soc. Prof. ofMath/D('pt. Chair Terry Smith, Ed.D.. Prof. of Behavioral Sci./Dept. Chair Ken Stamatis, '.\I.Ed., Asst. Prof. of Edu. Dana Steil, Ph.D., A~sl. Prof. of Comp. Sci. Jake Stewart II, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of Bus. Ke"in Stewart, Ph.D .. Assc,c. Prof. of Chemist1y Daniel Stockstill, Ph.D.. Prof. of Bible/Assoc. Dean of COBAM John Stone. MBA. Asst. Prof. of COBA Norm Stone, MB,\, Asst. Prof. of COBA Rayannc Story, Pharm.D., Asst. Prof. of Pharm. Prac. 2 IO LE.\ DE HS 11 I P