F ,\Cl' LT Y ~ () 7 Pat Garner, Ph.D., Prof. of Speech Zane Gastineau, Ph.D., Prof. of Engr./ Dept. Chair Lana Gettman, Pharm.D., Asst. Prof. of Pharm. Lance Gibson, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. of Engr. & Physics Stacy Gibson, M.F.A. . Assoc. Prof. of Art Jim Gowen, M.A.T., Asst. Prof./ Dir. of Men's lntramurals Jo Goy, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of Biology Susan Grace, M. Ed., Dir. of Stu. Affairs of Phann. Sarah Griffin, Phann.D., Asst. Prof. of Phann. Prac. Susan Grogan, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of Edu./Dir. of Adults & Ext. Edu. Nathan Guy, M.Phil., Asst. Prof. of Bible Steve Guymon, M.S.E.. Asst. Prof. /Coach Ken Hammes, Ph.D., Prof. of English Ronnie Harlow, M.S.E., Asst. Prof./Head Athletic Train. Greg Hards, Ph.D.. Asst. Prof./Women's Soccer Coach Jackie Harris, M.N.S.C., Asst. Prof. of Nursing Julie Harris, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of History Paul Haynie, Ph.D., Prof. of History Kathy Helpenstill, M.S.W., Asst. Prof. of Behavioral Sci. Allen Henderson, Ed.D., Asst. Prof. of Edu. Alice Henton, M.S.. Asst. Prof. CSD Nathan Henton, M.A., Asst. Prof. of English Alyssa Hepburn, M.A., Instr. Foreign Lang. Chuck Hicks, M.S.E., Asst. Prof. of Music Gary Hill. M.P.A.S., Clinical Coord. of PA Prog/Assoc. Pruf. Ken Hobby, Ph.D., Prof. of P~ychology Mario Hotheinz, M.S.P.A.S., Asst. Prof. of PA Prog. Dutch Hoggatt, Ph.D., Prof. of Comm. Jason Holland, Ph.D., Prof. of Math Burt Hollandsworth, Ph.D., A~soc. Prof. of Chemistry B,J Houston, J.D., Prof./Dir. of Criminal .Justice Kathy Howard, Ed.D.. Prof./Dir. of Psych. Prog. Leeann Howard, M.Ed., Instr. Edu. Tim Howard, Pharm.D., Dir. of Intro. Phann. Prac. Exp. Alan Howell, M.Div., Visiting Missionary Ronnie Huckeba, M.Ed., Assoc. Prof. ofKins./Head FB Coach James Huff, Ph.D., Instr. ofEngr. & Physics Larry Hunt, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of English Dwight Ireland, Ed.D., Prof. of Psych./Counseling Sta. Mike Ireland. D.M.I., Prof. of Bible Gary Jackson, D.Min., Instr. of Coll. of Bible & Min. Sam ,Jeffrey, M.A., Asst. Prof of Behavioral Sci. Ben Jones, M.Ed., Instr. of Theatre Carol Jones, MBA, Dir. ofAdmissions Phann. Gevi Jones, M.Ed., A%t. Prof. of Foreign Lang. Lis Jones, M.M., Asst. Prof. of Music Ycssica Jones, MBA, Asst. Prof. of Bus. Diana Julian, Ed.D., Assoc. Prof. of Edu. Landry Kamdem, Pharm.D., Asst. Prof. of Pharm. Sci. Russell Keck, Ph.D.. Asst. Prof. of English David Kee, MBA, Asst. Prof. of Bu~. John Keller, Ph.D., Prof. of Art Karen Kelley, M.S.N., Asst. Prof. of Nursing Anita Killins, D.P.T., Asst. Prof. of PT Tim Kirby, M.Ed., Asst. Prof. of Kins./WBB Coach Julie Kissack, Pharm.D., Prof. of Pharm. Prac./Dept. Chair