2015-2016 Yearbook

Michael Claxton, Ph.D, Assoc. Prof. English Greg Clayton, M.F.A., Assoc. Prof. of Art & Design Eddie Cloer, D.Min., Prof. of Bible/Preaching Ross Cochran, Ph.D., Prof. of Bible Michelle Coizman, M.Ed., Asst. Prof. of Spanish Barbara Cole, Ed.0., Asst. Dir. of McNair Prog. David Cole, Ph.D., Prof. of Chemistry Ava Conley, M.A., Prof. of Spanish Kim Cooper, M.S.N., Asst. Prof. of Nursing Steve Cooper, M.S., Assoc. Prof. of Biology Amy Cox, MBA, Asst. Prof. of Art Brian Cox, M.S., Asst. Prof./Dir. of Ath. Train. Gerald Cox, M.L.S., £-Resources and Serials Lib./Asst. Prof. Scot Crenshaw, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Homil. & Church Growtl1 Rect Cronk, Ph.D., Prof. of Business Manin Crowson, B.A., Domestic Missionary-in-Residence Luke Cullins, M.A., Asst. Prof. of Sci./Asst. FB Coach Mark Cullum, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. of Kines. Shawn Daggett, Th.D., Dir. of Ctr. for World Missions Christopher Da°\'is, D.M., Asst. Prof./ Dir. of Ctr. for Adult & Online Stud. Jill Davis, M.S., Asst. Prof. of Math Mark Davis, D.B.A., Prof./Chair Marketing Dept. Joni Day, M.C.D., Instr. ofCSD Don Diffine, Ph.D., Prof. of Econ./Dir. of Belden Ctr. Allen Diles, Th.D., Assoc. Prof. Amanda Diles, M.S., Asst. Prof/PA Prog. Laurie Diles, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. ofComm./Dir. of Comm. Stud. Kathy Dillion, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of English Jared Dockery, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. of History Faye Doran, Ed.D., Prof. of Art Carol Douglass, Ed.D., Assoc. Prof. ufEdu./Dir. of Special Education Prog. Gabriella Douglass, Pharm.D., Asst. Prof. of Pharm. Prac. Debbie Duke, Ed.D., Prof. of Math/Asst. Dean for Preprof Prog. Laura Eads, M.M., Instr. of Music Ashley Earley, Pharm.D., Asst. Prof. of Pharm. Prac. Stephanie Eddleman, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. of English Lee Edwards, M.Ed., Asst. Prof. College of Bible & Min. Kelly Elander, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. of Comm. David Elliott, M.A.T., Prof. of Kins. Lindsay Elliott, Pharm.D., Asst. Prof. of Pharm. Prac. Amy Ellis, B.A., Lecturer of Biology Wendy Ellis, Ed.D., Asst. Prof. of Edu./Dir. of Reading Lisa Engel, M.S.N.. Asst. Prof. of Nursing Terry Engel, Ph.D., English Dept. Chair Jolinda Eubanks, B.A., Lecturer of Excercise & Sports Sci. Sylvie Evdoxiadis, M.S.E., Instr. of Foreign Lang. Dean Ezell, M.D., Aqsoc. Prof. of PT Prog. Marc Fager, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. of Edu. Denise Fisher, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. of FCS/Dept. Chair Jennifer Fisher, M.S., Instr. ofCSD/Externship Dir. Shawn Fisher, Ph.D., Asst. Prof. of History Chaney Floyd, Ed.D., Assoc. Prof. of Edu. Debbie Ford, M.S.W., Assoc. Prof. of Social Work Dottie Frye, M.A.. Asst. Prof./Dir. of Pied Pipers/Spring Sing Steve Frye, Ed.D., Prof. of Theatre/Spring Sing/SSDT Cliff Ganus, D.M.A., Dept. Chair/Prof. of Music/Dir. of Chorus LE.\ DE HS II I P