2015-2016 Yearbook

Ali Harrelson, Early Childhood (Licensure) Erin Hasler, Psychology Laura Hatley, Nursing Claire Heffley, Public /~elations/French Katie Hendrix, Inte,·ior Design Edgar Hernandez, Marketing Sierra Ilcrnandez, Hiochemisn·y Bryn Hester, Athletic Training Sarah Hines, Broadcast Joumalism Jesse Hixson, Interdisciplinary Studies Audrey Holland, Mal'keting Sierra Hollingsworth, Nul'sing Jonna Hopper, Public Relations Amber Howe, Accounting Ashley Howell, Interior Design Erin Hughes, Elrmental'y Education Sarah Hughes, Management Grant Hupp. Mo/eculm· and Cellular Biology Meredith Hyde, Communication Sciences and Disordel's Stephanie Inabnet, Biology (Licensurc) Aaron Inman, Bioche111is11·y Carson Isenberg, Criminal .Justice Adam ,Jackson, l\Tanayement Information Systems Danny Jackson, Management hiformation Systems Savanna Jackson. l~ar/y Childhood (Licensure) Tandy .Jackson, Mic/die Level-Math/Science Lyndsey ,Jayne~. Mathematics (Licensure) Chri5li .Jenczyk. Management IIB PEOPLE