2015-2016 Yearbook

Graduate students Jill .McCoy and Rebeccu Watso11 wcll·k with graduate student Leiu Fricdmun lo demonstrate possible physical lhernpy exercises.for cz plllie11l connected lo c111 lV 011 Dec. 13. The Physical Therapy Progrnm strove to impllct lives thrnuyh therapeutic cnntuct 1.uith putie11ts both domestic and abl'Oczd. I Photo courtesy of Je.ff Montgomery Alwn11cze Whitley Jones and G1·egielle 'Vi'ooldridge provide check-ups on Zambian women on Jan. 13. Over 800 Zczmbians visited the clinic operated by Harding physicczl therapy faculty and students. I Photo courtesy of B1·icz11 Odom I O O .\ C .\ DE .\I I CS