2013-2014 Yearbook

Sophomores Julia Koger and Leah Rice write uplifting letters and make encouraging drawings on Oct. 31 during Club Week to give to their Chi Sigma Alpha brothers. Chi Sigma Alpha and Regina became brother and sister clubs in 1963. Jerry Eberly Members of Knights and Pi Theta Phi wrap Christmas presents for kids from Crossroads Church of Christ at Camp Wyldewood on Oct. 30. "I think serving as a member of Pi Theta Phi really embodies our club motto of 'Rejoicing in the the Lord, serving in His love,'" junior Melanie Gary said. Henry Gonzalez Junior Jonathan Burnett and freshman Shelby Cothran write encouraging letters during Club Week to the students at The Sunshine School on Oct. 28. The Sunshine School served students of all ages who had developmental disabilities. Janae Callicoat 67