2013-2014 Yearbook

Freshman Bo Smith yells with fellow Chi Sigma Alpha members as they ride on an imaginary rollercoaster on Oct. 28. The cheer, performed at all-club devo, was a tradition for the club. Jerry Eberly HU IL IT Y Pl THETA PHI AND DELTA NU SERVE ONE ANOTHER During Club Week, women's social clubs Delta Nu and Pi Theta Phi held a devotional together to show the new members the significance of joining their respective clubs. The old members washed the feet of the new members, who sat next to a girl in the other club, to show them that a heart of service was what mattered most to them. According to senior Laura Jo Sawyer, the two social clubs decided to have the devotional together because normally the clubs did not gravitate to one another when it came to hanging out with friends. They wanted to spend time with girls whom they normally would not have been with otherwise. Old members showed the new members that the power of love and service went beyond any club stereotypes. "Submitting to one another in love and respect was all about self-denial and self-sacrifice," Sawyer said. "It was about loving the Lord and loving other people more than you loved yourself. We cherished each other in every way, and that meant putting each other's needs above our own." Senior Amanda Emmet said that the members of Delta Nu and Pi Theta Phi had hearts of service that helped to focus the clubs on serving others. Members of both clubs agreed that service was a foundational value in their respective clubs. For new members it was easy to lose sight of what really mattered during Club Week due to hectic schedules, classes and a lack of sleep, but the members of Delta Nu and Pi Theta Phi wanted to show their new members the real reason behind all of the stress and the ultimate reward from Club Week. "We wanted our new members to understand the importance of what service meant to our club," senior Hayley Scott said. "What better way to demonstrate this than by our actions?" Scott joined Delta Nu her freshman year and then jumped to Pi Theta Phi her sophomore year. At the combined devotional, she had a unique perspective. "It made me realize that no matter what club I am in, I am united with girls in each club through Christ," Scott said. Sophomore Scarlet Schreiner said she hoped the club inductees took away new friendships from the experience. Building relationships through service offered new members a chance to bond on a deeper level. New members and old members came together to show each other genuine love and hearts of service during a week that was mainly about everyone's own club. Delta Nu and Pi Theta Phi swallowed their club pride to show their new members what it truly meant to lead by example. "It was actually a very humbling experience," Schreiner said. "Not just for me, but for most of the girls. I realized how important it is to build strong relationships with everyone you can. Christ calls us to love and serve one another, and that is exactly what the devotional was about." Alex Ezell 63