2013-2014 Yearbook

Freshmen Rachel Scrivener and Natalie Venable write letters to U.S. soldiers on Oct. 28. Shantih and Zeta Pi Zeta partnered to conduct a service project during Club Week that involved writing encouraging letters to the U.S. Army men serving overseas. Janae Callicoat Senior Delta Nu member Amanda Emmet kneels before junior Pi Theta Phi member Summer Gibson as she washes her feet in the Reynolds Recital Hall on Oct. 29. "It was such an incredibly beautiful experience to be able to personally get down on my hands and knees to wash the feet of a sister not in my club, but a sister in Christ," senior Laura Jo Sawyer, Pi Theta Phi vice president, said. Matt Dobson Senior Jona Amssoms jumps into freshman Mason Pittman's arms during a Gamma Sigma Phi cheer at all-club devo on Oct. 30. One of Gamma Sigma Phi's most popular cheers involved the club chanting "G-a, m-m-a, S-i-g-m-a, Phi!" Jerry Eberly