2013-2014 Yearbook

Freshman Caroline Upham enjoys a popsicle at Chi Omega Pi's 'Party in the USA' third round reception on Sept. 23. The potential club members went on a tour of the United States as they mingled with current members of the club. Janae Callicoat Beta Omega Chi president senior Kyle Jordan grills burgers at the 'Brat Bash' for prospective members on Sept. 24. After club members interacted with prospective members, senior member Jimmie Harper led the group in song as part of a devotional at the reception. Jerry Eberly Prospective members embark on a scavenger hunt at Iota Chi's third round reception on Sept. 23. Girls were given a list of facts and told to go find a current member of Iota Chi that matched each fact on their list. Janae Callicoat