2013-2014 Yearbook

CONNECT THIRD ROUND RECEPTIONS EMPHASIZE EXCITEMENT The third round receptions for social clubs marked a very important stage in the club process. It was a time for the potential members to become familiar with the older members and finalize their rankings based off of their interactions with the various clubs they considered. For freshman Leigh Chickering, the Zeta Pi Zeta fiesta-themed reception solidified her decision to join the club. Chickering also said that the third round reception was a major part of the club process as a whole. "I believe that it was at this mixer that I really got to talk to some of the older members and get to know them better," Chickering said. "That was how I knew that Zeta Pi Zeta was the club for me because all of the members were so kind and eager to get to know all of the possible new [members]." For its third round reception, Zeta Rho had everyone dress as characters from Candy Land or pieces of candy. As the potential members walked around and talked with older members, they recieved candy. Freshman Jordan McDonald, a potential Zeta Rho member, expanded on Chickering's sentiments about third round receptions. "They let you know that you aren't just hopelessly wanting to get into a club," McDonald said. "They are looking at you in return. It gives you confidence about the potential club or clubs you're looking at and makes the possibility of that club more of a reality." The club's third round reception convinced McDonald that Zeta Rho provided the relationships she desired. "The third round just reassured what I already knew: that I wanted to be friends with the girls in that club," McDonald said. "I met girls that I identified with, that I looked up to, and that I wanted to get to know." Potential Omega Phi member sophomore Ethan Tucker said the speed dating at the third round reception was a little intimidating. "I wanted to make sure that I made a good impression on the VPs, to help them remember me in a good light, because I knew they were going to be voting soon," Tucker said. Tucker felt that the third round reception was an important step in the club process because it helped potential members to get to know the heart of Omega Phi. "The third round for Omega Phi solidified my decision," Tucker said. "The Omega Phi guys were very intentional about wanting to get to know who I was as a person. The intentionality there is something that I did not see in any other club I had looked at. That is what ended up leading to my ultimate decision." Michael Wallace Freshmen Haven Crabtree and Abby Smith interact with members of Zeta Rho at the club's third round reception on Sept. 23. Prospective members immersed themselves in a Candyland setting, where all the current members of Zeta Rho dressed as their favorite sweet and members of Candyland. Janae Callicoat