2013-2014 Yearbook

The International Programs Office continually updated offerings to give students the best semester possible. In the spring of 2013, the Harding University in Florence program offered the students the chance to visit a Ferrari museum in Maranello, Italy, the home of Ferrari S.P.A., the Italian sports car manufacturer. Because it was Chancellor Dr. David Burks' last time to visit HUF as Harding's president, his son suggested going to the Ferrari museum and test-driving a car. After hearing that Burks was interested in the museum, HUF Director Robbie Shackleford organized a trip. Burks and several students drove the cars with a Ferrari employee monitoring the driver. Instead of driving on a track, as Burks expected, they were allowed to drive on the city streets of Maranello. Junior Eric Hildebrand experienced the full power of a Ferrari, riding in one of the cars driven by a professional. "We started off decently slow, just at a crawl, and then all of a sudden, this guy floors it," Hildebrand said. "I'm in the back seat, and I'm taller than the windshield, so the wind is just hitting me in the face. I had my sunglasses on or I would have just had my eyes closed the whole time." Hildebrand said that he never felt nervous while riding in the Ferrari. According to him, they drove through city streets crowded with people, but the driver knew what to do and neverputanyoneindange~ "The one distinct part I remember is [when] we were going on a big curve, and we were going about 90," Hildebrand said. "He kept speeding up ... but I felt so safe; I could feel how good of a car the Ferrari was just by riding in it." Junior Natalie Heyen said she was unsure about driving a Ferrari at first. Most students were tight on money at that point and were out of practice driving. Ultimately though, she knew she would never be able to do anything like that again. " It was just a day that you live, and then you think, 'Did I really drive a Ferrari yesterday?"' Heyen said. "It was very surreal." Heyen said she loved driving the car, but she also appreciated spending some time with Burks. According to Burks, he enjoyed seeing the excitement on the students' faces and hoped future groups would have the same incredible opportunity that made the semester memorable. Kristin Baldwin "I didn't know that is was possible to fall in love with a place so quickly." Junior Natalie Heyen 45 i;U