2013-2014 Yearbook

S tudy abroad programs gave students the opportunity to try foods, learn languages, see landscapes, hear music and meet many people. Some, such as the Harding in Zambia program, also offered unique opportunities to serve others. During the HIZ semester, students assisted medical professionals at clinics in Namwianga, Zambia, volunteered at the Havens orphanage and attended numerous village outreaches. For the HIZ students, it was a semester of growth, memories and blessings. Sophomore Brooke Hirsch said that once God placed the desire to go to HIZ on her heart, she could not deny it. Though the semester brought challenging moments, Hirsch said she found her experiences uplifting. "This trip is not just to love on babies,'' Hirsch said. "Yes, that is fun, but it is also about opening up your life to see where God wants to send you ... I wish everyone could have the same opportunity I have had to witness people in a whole new way." Hirsch, sophomore Rachael Thompson and freshman Cynthia Vargas spent a weekend with one of the "aunties" from the Havens, where they learned how the Zambians lived day to day. "We gathered firewood and walked to the water pump and pumped water," Hirsch said. "We did everything they did, and they taught us how to cook nsima, [the staple food in Zambia]. We also sang under the stars and played with the kids from nearby villages. [The experience J showed me the true Africa." Students grew close with the natives in Zambia, and according to sophomore Lindsey Chessor, the group grew close with one another as well. "I grew very close to my HIZ group, and that was a really awesome thing because we all came from completely different friend groups," Chessor said. "Getting to know them was one of the greatest things the HIZ semester gave me." To grow closer, the HIZ group had weekly meetings. Junior Andrew Cause said he loved that part of each week because the time spent in devotion allowed them to grow stronger as a team. According to Cause, after spending that time with the HIZ group in Zambia, he realized what God ultimately desired. "God doesn't care about your status, job, car, spouse, appearance or fame," Cause said."All He desires is to intimately dwell in your heart and see your life shaped after His will for His Kingdom - nothing else matters." Bethany Nicholson "Being in Africa has shown me that God's love is better than life." Freshman Cynthia Vargas