2013-2014 Yearbook

()velz$eaO v~ DEDICATION H arding University in Greece was a lifealtering experience under the guidance of directors Dr. Mike and Beth James. Both graduated from Harding, and the couple began to run the HUG program in the fall of 2010. "They are both leaders and are always encouraging," Dean of International Programs Dr. Jeff Hopper said. "They complement each other perfectly in the roles they are in." The Jameses helped students become accustomed to living overseas, but first they had to become accustomed to it themselves. Janis Ragsdale, administrator for International Programs, said that the Jameses quickly made strong relationships in the community of Porto Rafti, Greece, where the HUG program was located. "Within two weeks of being over in Greece, they (had] already established wonderful connections within the town of Porto Rafti," Ragsdale said. "They are part of the community and have kept a strong relationship with the church." The Jameses played a significant part in helping students overcome culture shock and making them feel at home in a foreign country. Sophomore Taylor Gleaves attended HUG in the spring of 2013 and said that the Jameses' kindness was one reason HUG was an excellent program. "They take us in as their own, they play [the role of] our parents and help us through anything we are going through," Gleaves said. "They help make the HUG program an experience of a lifetime." The HUG program allowed students to experience and see numerous sites of biblical significance in Greece, Israel and Egypt. Students also had the opportunity to experience various cultures during their weeks of independent travel. However, the students always returned to their temporary home in Porto Rafti, called the Artemis, where Mike and Beth always made them feel welcome with their hospitality and home cooked meals. "When the Jameses lived in Searcy, they had a keypad lock so students could get in anytime day or night," Hopper said. "They continue to help grow the HUG program in community and Christ because their hearts are just as open as their front door." The directors were affectionately called "Dr. J" and "Mama Beth" by HUG students and were loved not only by their students but also by staff back at Harding. "It is easy to love the Jameses," Hopper said. "I believe they are great program directors and are some of the best people I have ever worked with. There is no downside to their work at HUG." Mike and Beth dedicated everything to the HUG program. Their lives were wrapped up in student ministry, and HUG students saw their act of service as a powerful statement about godly living. "They are the sweetest people I know," Gleaves said. "They are able to shine Christ's light through everything that they do." Landis Tindell "[The Jameses] do a great job of making the Artemis feel like a home and HUG feel like a family." Senior Caroline Wallace 37