2013-2014 Yearbook

Beth James prepares chicken pot pie for HUG students at the Artemis Hotel Oct. 21. "Mrs. James likes to give us a taste of home by cooking our favorite American dishes," fall HUG student junior Linda Ferelle said. Courtesy of Linda Ferelle In the classroom of the Artemis Hotel, Dr. Mike James teaches a humanities course Oct. 21. At HUG, James took care of planning group trips and tours while Beth took on the role of HUG mom. Courtesy of Linda Ferelle Dr. Mike James and his wife Beth pause for a moment to take a picture in Santorini, Greece. Before the Jameses took over as HUG Directors in 2010, Mike James was the chairman of Harding's Communication Department. Courtesy of Mike James Tom Hook, Dir. HULA Pam Little, Dir. HUA Mike James, Dir. HUG Lauren Knight, Dir. HUE Roy Merrett, Coordinator HIZ Robbie Shackelford, Dir. HUF ' · .. , ;. i" . , : " id' . '\ "Y;· •, ~