2013-2014 Yearbook

I <( z 0 I-- Some of us study abroad by leaving our <( home country and moving to Searcy, Ark., for four years, while others spend a semester at one of Harding University's seven overseas campuses. We bond over z tribal songs in Africa. We follow the footsteps of Jesus through the Mediterranean. We dive into the heart of the Renaissance period in Italy. We jump onto the Tube in London or out of an airplane in Australia. We surf down sand dunes in Chile. We find ourselves surrounded by new foods, w languages and people. We make the friends of a lifetime while taking every chance to make new memories. Whether we happen f I-- to be one of the 250 international students on Harding's campus or one of the 330 students who study abroad every school z year, we all leave Harding with a deeper understanding of the world. dUg:t-l~ International Editor