2013-2014 Yearbook

AN HONOR TO CHERISH Every year during Homecoming week, various clubs and organizations nominated a female representative for Homecoming Queen. Having a Homecoming Queen had been a tradition at Harding since 1958. Senior Emily Owens, the nominee for Pi Theta Phi, was crowned Homecoming Queen at halftime during the football game Oct. 3. Owens said she did not expect to receive the honor, but that it was a great experience. "I feel so conceited even thinking about winning," Owens said. "It's really just humbling to think that people chose me, and I realize it's just a way for me to praise God for using me as an instrument at Harding." Assistant to the President for Alumni and Parent Relations Liz Howell and cheerleading coach Kellee Blickenstaff started coordinating the Homecoming Queen festivities in 1998. The process transformed over the 15 years they were in charge. In previous years, the football team nominated the queen nominees, and each class also chose one representative. In an effort to get more participation and create more excitement, Howell and Blickenstaff changed the process so that each social club and a few other organizations each nominated one girl to put on the ballot. It did not have to be a senior, but it most often was. Once the social clubs and organizations decided on their nominee, they contacted Howell, who then compiled a list and made sure every club and organization was represented. Once the final ballot was made by Howell and Blickenstaff, the nominees were sent a letter to tell them what was going to happen, when things would happen and what they were expected to wear during the whole process. On the Monday before Homecoming, an email was sent out to students listing all the nominees' names. Students were sent an online survey to vote for the queen. Chapel on the Thursday before Homecoming was a chance for the student body to meet the nominees, who dressed up in formal apparel and were introduced in front of the whole student body. Each girl walked onto stage and had their biography read. At that time, the top three nominees were announced. "It's very exciting when the top three are announced in chapel," Howell said. "Then we do not tell anyone who the queen is until that day, so it's very exciting." Senior Sara Bobo was the nominee for the organization Bisons for Christ. Bobo, a member of the committee that organized Bisons for Christ, was nominated by her boss and other faculty who were on the committee and was honored to be one of the three finalists. "I never would have thought that I would have that many friends to actually care about it enough to want me to be Homecoming Queen," Bobo said. "It was really neat to feel loved by people." Owens was crowned by the former Homecoming Queen 2013 alumna Heather Gould during the game on Saturday. "I am honored to represent the school and the people I've grown to love so dearly," Owens said. "I hope my life continues to be a witness to the Lord's powerful work in the people of Harding." Kristin Baldwin