2013-2014 Yearbook

ENTRUSTED David Burks, Ph.D., Chancellor Jim Carr, Ph.D., Senior VP David Collins, Ed.D., Executive VP Keith Cronk, M.Litt., CIO/VP of Information Systems and Technology David Crouch, B.S., Dir. of Public Relations Floyd Daniel, B.S., Senior VP Greg Harnden, M.A., Dir. of Athletics Liz Howell, M.S.E., Asst. to President for Parent & Alumni Relations Cindy Hunter, A.S., Exec. Asst. to President Larry Long, Ph.D., Provost Mel Sansom, Ed.D., VP of Finance and CFO James Simmons, M.Ed., VP of Harding Academy/ Superintendent Dan Williams, Ph.D., VP of Church Relations Mike Williams, Ed.D., VP for Advancement