2013-2014 Yearbook

SEEKING A SUMMER OF SERVICE I n the summer, 16 students went on a10-week traveling missions internship to Peru and Bolivia. While in South America, the students attended a language immersion school where they furthered their knowledge of Spanish and gained experience in mission tools, including teaching, preaching, researching, partnering and campaigning. Bill Richardson, director of advanced ministry training, led the trip. Richardson said that although this was the first traveling internship Harding had conducted, it was a huge success. Students attended language school, trained with missionaries on a daily basis, and learned the demands of mission work in a foreign country. "If you are going to be a church planter and make a long-lasting difference, you will probably need as much training as a good surgeon," Richardson said. "This internship is the link between the classroom and actually living and working in the field. It is still academic, but they are in a real world environment with actual missionaries and doing mission work." Justin Sims, a senior Spanish and missions major, co-led the group. Sims said that one of the most memorable experiences was living with a Bolivian host family for four weeks in Cochabamba, Bolivia, while in immersion school. The students shared meals and family outings with their hosts, who quickly became friends. Sims said he also learned how to be content and comfortable in a culture other than his own. "The trip challenged me because it opened my eyes to a part of the world that is highly neglected by North American Christians," Sims said. "These places just seem to be overlooked because the people there are perceived to be Christians, but really they are not." Rebecca Thompson, a senior international business major, also said that learning about the culture of Peru and Bolivia was enlightening. Students were able to see churches being established by American missionaries and Bolivian nationals and to experience the environment of cities with a minimal church presence. Thompson said she grew immensely during the 10-week trip. "It was the first time I was actually able to see myself growing," Thompson said. "My group members and I grew with each other, in the Spanish language and in our spiritual walks." According to Richardson, God blessed him with an excellent group, and he believed that every student was better prepared for their futures due to their summer internships. "I think their improved confidence levels are the main takeaway from all of this," Richardson said. "They learned how to get the job done and communicate with others. As a result from this internship, I think they are one step closer to the mission field." Kristin Baldwin