2013-2014 Yearbook

I w 0 <( w I Once in awhile, we stop and wonder how we have come this far in our life. Soon enough, we realize we could not have made this venture of our own without leaders that came alongside and guided us on the right path. Leaders spearhead an organization, set the tone and lead by example. Our university has experienced immense growth under the leadership of her presidents. Having grown into a university of 6,925 students from 50 states and 52 foreign countries, Harding inaugurated her fifth president, Dr. Bruce Mclarty, on Sept. 20 and entered a new era as "A Community of Mission." Though Harding may not fully understand what the future holds for her, judging from the 90 years of leadership under the past presidents, Harding gladly takes yet another step on a new venture even today. ~SO#ff Leadership Editor