2013-2014 Yearbook

LOVING THE CITY OF CHILDREN For the second year in a row, students spent their spring break at the City of Children children's home in Ensenada, Mexico. Forty-nine students led by seniors Hector Felix and Morgan Sitzes spent their spring break with children, cooking for them, caring for them, playing with them and pouring into them spiritually. "The joy seen in the kids' faces makes everything worth it," Felix said. "Simplicity is found at the City of Children." During the school day, students worked in the community or on projects at the children's home. In the afternoons, they spent two and a half hours with the children, playing soccer, tag and volleyball, making friendship bracelets and teaching dance fitness classes. In the evening, students shared dinner with a different age group and spent time teaching the kids about Jesus. They put on a Vacation Bible School with skits and activities for the younger children and taught deeper lessons to the teens. The kids were abandoned or abused before arriving at the City of Children. Regardless of age, they were welcomed into the children's home where they were fed, cared for and given a safe place to call home. "Just looking into their sweet little smiling faces, it made me sick thinking that these very children were beaten, abused and left to fend for themselves on the streets,'' senior Briana Midgley said. "I came to know and love these children deeply. They are so hungry for love and so eager to give it back." The students on the trip learned to rely on one another for support and encouragement throughout the week. They were split into groups of six and encouraged to share their joys and struggles with one another at night. They also told their favorite moments of the day and prayed together. Senior Skylar Howard, who had never gone on a mission trip before, said the sadness and sweetness of the children broke the Harding students' hearts. "Being surrounded in a city like that, and each of us having our hearts melted, we really had to be there for each other," Howard said. "There were many days where we would cry together." While the students loved on the kids at the City of Children, they also encouraged one another with their faith and willingness to serve, according to Felix. "I am constantly humbled by the serving hearts of the students on our trip," Felix said. "There is something about serving together that strengthens the bonds of relationship. By the end of the week, the students have grown closer to each other, but most importantly they have grown closer to God." The lives of the students who went on the mission trip were forever impacted by the kids at the City of Children. Many of the students went on other mission trips or back to the City of Children after their spring break experience, taking an active role in the body of Christ. "We just want to be the vessels for Christ's love to these kids,'' Felix said. "Since we have experienced his love in our lives, we cannot help to show love to these kids." Abby Lloyd 15