2013-2014 Yearbook

Rachael lslek Hunter Jackson Jonathan Jackson Chris James Amy Jenschke Alexis Jewell Amy Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Macey Johnson Janet Jones Jessica Jones Katelyn Jones Madeline Jones Mary Lee Jorgensen Philip Judd Lisa Kallus Erin Kandlbinder Sarah Kauble Evan Kauper Truett Keener Kellie Keese Rochelle Kellis Jack Kelly Ashley Kenemore KYLE DINGUS Freshman Bible and ministry major Kyle Dingus was not your average first-year college student. Dingus already had a backup career plan: rapping. Dingus had a longstanding interest in rap, which began in the fifth grade when his older cousin introduced him to the music. Rap influenced his music choices and interests, and the poetic flow of the music and lyrics came naturally to Dingus. "When I was in the fifth grade, my cousin and I started a group called 'The Little Eight Balls' and tried to get an early start in the rapping industry," Dingus said. "I didn't start writing rap songs until my sophomore year in high school, but I have always enjoyed writing and reading poetry since my seventh grade year because I love lyrics and the power of words." Dingus's family had a key role in influencing his tastes for poetry and music; he grew up in an environment steeped in poetry, which established an understanding of rhythm and movement in language. "Learning the technique of rap came naturally to me," Dingus said. "I constantly practiced it and got to the skill level I am at now." Dingus used his rapping talent together with his Bible major to reach people through his music. His favorite rapper, Lecrae, combined quality music with lyrics that had a cultural impact. Dingus took inspiration from Lecrae and used his music to speak truth about God. "The reason I love rapping so much is because I see it as a ministry opportunity to reach people through a music world that has gotten a bad rap, pun intended," Dingus said. "I believe that God has called me to reach out to people, maybe even through my rapping." Dingus's rapper name was "kALLd." The k and d were his initials, lowercase because his music was not for himself, but for God and others. ALL signified giving everything to God, and it was uppercase because this was all-important to Dingus. Jeff Cunningham, Dingus' rap partner and afriend from his home church, was a recent graduate of William Jewel College. Cunningham's life would not have been the same without Dingus. "Kyle is unlike any other person I have ever met," Cunningham said. "He is truly motivated and dedicated to his rapping. He wants to make a difference, and with his passion and huge personality no one can stop him. I love being his partner. When we get together, our collaboration is out of this world." Cole Huffhines, a friend of Dingus' from home, played the role of listener to help Dingus' rapping. "Kyle is one of my greatest friends, and I am so glad to have known him," Huffhines said. "He has very deep and understanding lyrics, and his flow is great. Kyle's story about how he found God inspires me and I think it will inspire others through his rapping." According to Dingus, if he was offered an opportunity to rap professionally, he would put everything on hold to pursue his dream. "As of now my music is just a hobby," Dingus said. "If my music picks up, I would gladly drop out of school and just be a rapper, but I don't know if [I] will have an opportunity like that. It is one of my dreams to go on tour and impact people for the better." Mallory Johnson