2013-2014 Yearbook

MISSY DENTON While it was once necessary to produce one's own clothes, sewing and tailoring became less common as closets began to fill with manufactured items of every sort. However, sophomore Missy Denton appreciated the personal nature of sewing and dedicated herself to an increasingly uncommon hobby. "My mom first taught me to sew," Denton said. "She started me out on simple things like pillows, and I took it from there, with the help of YouTube, of course. I can sew pretty much anything, but I like to sew clothes. Anything from dresses to bow ties. Seeing someone wear something that I made is such a great feeling." Denton recognized that sewing was a rare and sometimes impractical hobby. People rarely relied on sewing machines to produce items, but that made the craft unique, according to Denton. Among the numerous challenges presented by sewing was that of the machine itself. Handling the machine required patience and precision, because even the tension of the thread or type of fabric could affect the way the machine worked. Denton said that she was a trial-and-error learner, so these frustrating experiences helped her learn how to do things on her own. That challenge was part of the reward of sewing. Denton worked with the machine and the materials to create special items that reflected her personality and hard work. Denton's brother-in-law senior Josh Pratt attended high school with her and had received numerous items over the years, from a sweater emblazoned with the Knights symbol to a seersucker bow tie, his favorite item. "Missy has a very unique personality, and it definitely shows in the things that she creates," Pratt said. "She loves style and definitely has a good eye for it. She is one of the most selfless people that I know, and I think that she has an exciting opportunity to use her sewing skills for the good of the Kingdom." Sophomore Tori Strother, a friend of Denton's, was impressed with her aptitude for sewing and taking fabrics and implementing a design for clothing pieces. "Missy just seems to have a knack for sewing," Strother said. "I've seen her look at something and figure out how to execute it instantly without any instruction. Over the summer, she sewed various presents and clothing items for people without being asked, just because she genuinely enjoys it and wants other people to feel loved." Though Denton was proud of her sewing talent, she did not see it becoming a means of business or income for herself. She took pleasure in blessing others through her sewing skill that most people her age did not have. "I pretty much only sew for others, but I never sell anything I make," Denton said. "I love being able to give people things that have so much time and personality put into them. I sew because I love to. I often start with only a picture in my head of what I want to make and figure it out from there. I never quite know how it's going to turn out, but there is a lot of fun in not knowing." Mandy Valentine 159