2013-2014 Yearbook

Junior Andrew Cause cheers in the finale of the Chi Sigma Alpha, Regina, Sigma Phi Mu, OEGE and friends show on March 30. "Resistance is Feudal" took home the grand prize of $2,000 for the Searcy Children's Home. Ashe/ Parsons Sophomores Joe Gafford and Michael Tyree look in horror at their "camp crushes," sophomores Amber Combs and Erin O'Halloran. This was Omega Phi's first time in a Spring Sing show. Ashe! Parsons In the Zeta Rho, TNT and friends show, sophomores Emily Coleman, Hannah Perry, Rachel Anzalone and Jace Davis carry sophomore Brett Taylor while singing about being on "Cloud 9." The "bad to the bone" bikers transformed into dancing, baking and singing friends throughout the show. Ashe! Parsons l l