2013-2014 Yearbook

Harding Academy principal Darren Mathews gives daily announcements to the senior high students on Nov. 8. Mathews joined Harding's P-20 program in 2011 and was an example of how the program was designed to further the education of those already working in administration. Virginia "Vivi" Vitalone Professor of New Testament Dr. Richard Oster speaks to Bible and ministry graduate students about imagery in the book of Revelation on Sept. 26. The presentation was part of the annual W.B. West Jr. Lectures held at the Harding School of Theology in Memphis. Jeff Montgomery Dr. Jenene Alexander, director of the professional counseling program, greets students before speaking at a seminar on Nov. 12. The seminar was part of a financial workshop for students in the College of Education graduate program. Matt Dobson 105