2013-2014 Yearbook

2013 alumnus Shawn Batten drives a car built by Harding's team for the 2013 Baja Competition on April 20. Harding placed 26th out of 100 teams at this competition in Cookeville, Tenn. Courtesy of Corbin Fonville Dr. Scott Ragsdale, assistant professor of computer science, discusses a project with freshman Charles Ann Freeman in a computer science class on Sept. 13. Ragsdale received his Ph.D. last spring; the Computer Science Department was the only department with a faculty of all Ph.D. recipients. Jerry Eberly On the engineering service project class mission trip to Haiti, seniors Josiah Moore and Andrew Evans install a solar panel May 22. The solar panels were installed to provide a lighting system for a primary school in Delton, Haiti. Courtesy of Taylor Williams 101