2012-2013 Yearbook

Campus Players Est. 1926: Row 1: A. Dorsey, A. Duggins, N. Baker, C. Brewer, M. Murray (sponsor). Row 2: K. Kendall, E. Fausett, D. Holden, R Ballew, R Miller (sponsor). Theatron Est. 1993: Row 1: J. Hoehn, A. Robison, L. Sawyer, J. Owens. Row 2: T. Webb, B. Smith, A. Abla, L. Meyer. Pied Pipers Est. 1988: Row 1: B. Hinrichsen, S. Lawson, K. Perring, K. Hunter. Row 2: J. Andrew, E. Owens, H. Maudsley, D. Frye (sponsor). Row 3: K. McClarty, R Tucker, J. Frizzell, B. Hunter. PATROLLING FUN AND PERFORMING ART Theatron serves as Fun Police at Impact, encouraging and entertaining incoming freshmen Members of the sketch group Theatron took on new roles as the Fun Police during Student Impact while incoming freshmen moved onto campus Aug. 16-19. Although the Fun Police was not original to Student Impact, this was the first year Theatron comprised the entire group. Junior Theatron member Alley Robison said that the Fun Police was there to entertain and to encourage new students as they moved onto campus. "We did just all sorts of stuff, from goofing around with the freshmen when they were moving in and videotaping it to doing all kinds of silly things like the invisible rope pranks and being total goons," Robison said. "We were comic relief." Throughout Student Impact, members of the Fun Police made it their job to shock, to welcome and to entertain new students and their families. Members of the Fun Police 236 1 Organizations said they tried to have fun with the freshmen, sometimes pulling pranks, driving around in a golf cart blasting loud music on a boom box, and bursting into energy groups with silly string. Junior Laura Jo Sawyer, a member of the Fun Police, said that the first days on campus could be a stressful time for new students, and the Fun Police's goal was to lighten the mood and remind everyone that, "it really is great to be at Harding." Though initially surprised by the pranks, the students responded well to the Fun Police and played along with their games. They appreciated the reprieve from unpacking and attending information sessions. "The Fun Police really energized us freshmen and got us excited for the upcoming year," freshman Alyssa Kee said. "They also showed us there are more things to do at Harding than just social clubs." Though completely made up ofTheatron members, Sawyer said that the Fun Police was a separate group, and although it went on stage a few times, it did not perform any skits. The Fun Police was less organized than Theatron and mostly pulled pranks and played games with the freshmen. Theatron's student director, senior Barrett Smith, said that the Fun Police served to plug new students into Harding, as well as make great memories for members of the Fun Police. "I think the funniest part of Impact for me was probably when we, as Fun Police, busted into Energy Group sessions, either to spray Silly String or give one of the freshmen a present containing lunch meats or other random items," Smith said. "In a few rooms, the Energy Group leaders attempted to ignore us and keep going with their discussion, which wasn't going to work. We were there to be disruptive, and we were very good at it." Matt Ryan