2012-2013 Yearbook

Freshman Ryan Short works on a segment for KVHU 95.3 on Sept. 28. The radio station was operated by staff and students of radio practicum class; the work helped students to gain practical experience, knowledge of the history and importance of radio, command editing software and sell advertisements. "It's something all broadcast students should take advantage of," senior Morgan Jones of RTDNA and NBS said. Savannah Lee PRSSA Public Relations Student Society of America est. 2012: Row 1: C. Song, L. Chambers, P. Hurst, K. Miller. Row 2: H. Robison, J. Boyd, H. Bohnet!, C. Mokry, M. Lee, P. McNeilly. Row 3: A. Parsons, T. Nguyen, L. Tindell, J. Head, R. Weiss. 232 I Organizations Petit Jean Est. 1924: Row 1: K. Miller, M. Lee, M. Pugh, J. Osborn. Row 2: R. Neely, C. Mitchell, L. Chambers, H. Robison. Row 3: A. Paramore, M. Pratt, A. Lloyd, S. Lee, M. Jamerison. Row 4: A. Parsons, S. Hamm, C. Song, K. Soto, H. Miller. Bison Est. 1924: Row 1: T. Carmical, A. Whiting, J. Boyd, L. Ruble, A. Mare', A. Hosticka, A. Parsons. Row 2: M. Chaffin, P. Hurst, S. Lee, A. Stutzman, K. Coble, H. Miller. Row 3: J. Williams, R. Foster, M. Ryan, H. Halliburton, B. Aspey, C. Mitchell.