Q,tl~r-1 s C,Or't\~ Camaraderie, Family, Community, Quirkiness, Love, Diversity, Home, Security, Adventure, Tradition, Inspiration, Journey ... Perspective. Although we rarely p<nt.'i<>: to consider its implications, our perspectives make or break our college experiences. Every day; we have to decide how we \vill sec the world around us. \1Vhen we wake up in the morninu will \Ve dis"runtledlv M' M I sit in silence until \\e have had our co!Tcc? \Viii we go to chapel and search J(n slip-ups, immediately posting them to #Chapel Twcn? After classes, \vill we gos.'iip with one another about our teachers who arc out to get us when they ask us to turn o!T our cell phones? During evening ac:tivitie.:;, will we complain about our bmy and stressful lives? Or will we change our pcrspl~ctive? If vve choose, we can wake up every morning and thank God f(Jr the nnv clay. \Ve can joyfully attend chapel and use social media to spread the lessons learned daily to help llilflll the spiritual necc\s of other kJIIowers. \1\'e can appreciate OUr teachers who take the time to help us reach our career goals and persevere so that we do not J~ill by the wayside. And we can use every bit of energy we have to encourage those around us. Thi.'i university means so many things to so many people. Picture the first time you walked onto campus: what were your thoughts? Are your thoughts cli!Terent now? Do you question why campus is overpopulated during Homecoming and Spring Sing while virtually every alumnus is swarming t·hc campu.-; and reminiscing about days at Harding? That \viii soon be you. \•Vhat about a student who traveled here from overseas looking f()r an education ancl (incling a new family in Christ along the way? Although we may not realize it while inside the "Harding bubble," Harding is not like the rest of the \Vorlcl. No sooner do we leave this bubble than we encounter someone, unexpectedly; also connected to Harding. \!Ve must find courage and strength in the bonds built by this university; bonds that span gencratiom, cultures and spaces yet never fail to bring us home. No matter which words vve usc to describe Harding, if we mai_ntain a positive outlook, \Ve \v-iii realize that Harding truly is a place full of faith, learning and living. And that's my perspective. iYUdufu-cf. i'Vta1<oo-f editor in chief Index 33f