2011-2012 Yearbook

2011 graduates Christina Belew and Morgan Evans test the quality of the water from the well that Harding engineering students designed and built in Haiti. Evans previously worked at a water-testing facility, and her knowledge was invaluable to the team. Courtesy of Christina Belew Evans holds the child of Peltan Christian Primary School's superintendent. Mter the engineering students installed the well, counseling students went to Haiti to lead a seminar discussing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Courtesy of Christiana Belew Junior Axnanda Reynolds entertains a group of children at a Catholic school in New Zealand. The Global Outreach mission team was allowed into schools to perform morality skits. Courtesy of Amanda Reynolds Senior Ethan Lilly writes "Peltan Harding Ansanm" in the wet concrete section of the well in Haiti. The mission of the five-year-long Ansanm project was to teach Haitians to build new wells in the community. Courtesy of Christiana Belew Senior Dave Towell stencils the name of the health clinic at the Village of Hope in Fettah, Ghana. In the clinic, the art department painted a mural depicting scenes ofJesus healing the sick. Courtesy of Daniel Adams f8 Summer Campaigns