2011-2012 Yearbook

James Bury, M.R.E., Asst. Prof. Bible Lynette Busceme, Ed.D., Asst. Prof. Edu. Ken Cameron, Ph.D., Prof. Psych. Heath Carpenter, M.S.E., Instr. English Cindy Carrell, D.M.A. , Asst. Prof. Music Scott Carrell, D. M .A. , Assoc. Prof. Music Clara Carroll, Ed.D., Assoc. Prof. Edu./ Asst. Dean Grad. Studies Mike Chance, D.M.A., Assoc. Prof.!Band/ Orch./Coord. InstJ: Teresa Chance, M.B.A., Asst. Prof. Bus. Tim Chance, M.S., InstJ: Comm. Sci. & Dis. Bob Churchman, M.B.A., Asst. Prof. Acct. Michael Claxton, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof: English Da'Lynn Clayton, Ph.D., Assoc. Dean I Assoc. Prof. Nursing Greg Clayton, M.F.A., Assoc. Prof. Art Eddie Cloer, D.M.I., Prof. Bible/Preaching Ross Cochran, Ph.D., Prof. Bibl c/D i~: Camp TaJ1kodah Michelle Coizman, M.Ed., Asst. Prof. Spanish Barbara Cole, Ed.D., Asst. Dir. McNair Pro g. Music Instructor Susan Shire/ 2f0 1>i~k Belle Canto As a 200 I graduate of Harding's music education program, music education specialist Susan Shire! had been involved in nearly every musical outlet as a student. Now as a faculty membe1~ her recent projects included vocal coaching for the Homecoming musical ''Annie" and the reestablishment of Belle Canto, a female vocal ensemble. Sophomore Hannah Robison agreed that Shire! was influential in developing her skills as a smger. "Ms. Shire! is an excellent educator," Robison said. "She always reminds us that she loves us and loves God and encourages us to use our voices to praise him." Shirel's willingness to direct the girls of Belle Canto allowed for more students to interact with the department and display their musical talent through singing. "There are 59 girls in Belle Canto, and a third of those girls are already in Concert Choir," Shire! said. "We are excited because Faculty 40 girls are singing who wouldn't otherwise get the opportunity." Senior Hannah Stewart liked the opportunity to bond with other female singers in Belle Canto while improving her vocal abilities. "Belle Canto has helped me as a singer because I get to sing songs specifically meant for the female voice," Stewart said. "I enjoy the group because we come together as a group of sisters in Christ." Kelly Neill, dean of the music department, said he occasionally took a break from his day to sit in on the class and enjoy listening to the smgmg. "I think it's a nice break in the middle of the day to use a different part of the brain and participate in something beautiful," Neill said. Shire! has high hopes for the group. "My goal is to have Belle Canto as a place to make beautiful music and to be beautiful women," Shire! said. Laura Chantbers ' ~ """