2011-2012 Yearbook

For her senior seminar, Logan Kays performs as all seven characters of "The Amish Project." The play was originally written byJessica Dickey in 2008 and made its debut during the New York International Fringe Festival. Ashe[ Parsons Portraying Velda, Kays recalls an accident in which a nail punctured her hand. Velda was based on one of the five victims of the Amish schoolhouse shooting in Pennsylvania on Oct. 3, 2006. Ashe[ Parsons Graduatejoseph Magness guides 100-levd students through a Spanish translation of Matthew 6:25-34. Magness coordinated Spanish devotionals, scheduled oral proficiency exams and conducted Spanish labs during the spring semester of 2012. Ashe[ Parsons Organizations f33 -ยทยท- -r:.'Jl'l.,..,._