2011-2012 Yearbook

Ieee Row 1: P. Adeoye, E. Faraj,J. Warnert, A. Shafer. Row 2: A. Campos, G. Arthur, K. White, B. Huber. Row 3: C. Wu (sponsor), A. Calloway, P. Alyedun, E. Lilly, K. Olree (sponsor). Junior Kristin Broaddus selects a cupcake from the Gedanken Society's edible periodic table on Oct. 26. Gedanken sold cupcakes with the atomic symbols of various elements from the periodic table written on them in icing to raise funds for the club. Ashel Parsons After a family and consumer science meeting, sophomores Brooke Kimrey and Hannah Schliffka help freshman Rachel Collinge assemble a Christmas tree in the family and consumer science lobby. The FCS club elected their new officers during the meeting on Dec. I. Kristi Soto A Dassault Falconjetrepresentative lectures American Society of Mechanical Engineering members on Nov. 14 on the process of designing a jet aircraft in order to peak their interest in the industry. Dassault Falcon jet was based out of Little Rock and createdjets for companies across the country. GrantSchol fVS Row 1: D. Morton, M. Phillips, N. Thoman, K. Suddeath, S. Blackshear, S. Holup. Row 2: H. Schliffca, L. Teachworth, A. Kuhn, A. Dixon, B. Kimrey, R. Teague (sponsor). Row 3: A. Dodds, D. Fisher, R. Collinge. Organizations f 2. f ).