2010-2011 Yearbook

I Mark Slagle Social Sci. - Tchr Lie Adam Smith Computer Science Alana Smith Christian Ed. Daniel Smith Chemistry justin Smith Mathematics Sean Smith Mech. Engineer. Caitlin Sober Early Childhood Lie Christin Spencer Moth - Teocher Lie Leslie Stackpole Art Savannah Steiner Comm. Sci. & Dis. Devin Stewart Management Groce Strickland Spanish Eric Suddeoth Youth and Fom. Min. Samantha Switzer Art Therapy Melissa Tober Social Work Richard Topley General Studies Kellum Tate English Ryan Toy/or Computer Science Tio Tesney History Myles Thomas Exercise Science Andrew Thompson Art Kaycee Thornton Early Childhood Lie Alicia Tinkle Child and Fom. Sci. Andrew Townsend Mech. Engineer. Lauren Treat Interior Design seniors 71 'I