2010-2011 Yearbook

Megan Hasler Early Childhood Lie Chase Haynes Accounting Michelle Heasley Nursing Hannah Henderson Nursing Mary Hendricks Exercise Science Emily Hetrick Early Childhood Lie Timothy Hicks Youth and Fam. Min. Chelsie Hoffmann Child and Fom. Sci. Timothy Hoffmann Computer Eng. john Houston Bio Chemistry A real man dreams is a man who in flannel. Everwondered exactlywhoSenior Mark Slagle is or why he has such an awe-inspiring mustache? Petit Jean staff writer Gina Cielo had the opportunity to ask Mark a few questions. Mark was a senior global narrative major from Nashville,Tenn. His hobbies included eating Italian food, hiking,traveling, snowboarding, Casual Tie Wednesday and dreaming of the best gelato on earth from L'isola Del Gelato in Scandicci, Italy. G: What do you think a real man is? M: A real man is a man who dreams in flannel. G: You're a man who has explored up to the far reaches of the earth -Florence, Honduras, Kenya, the mountains of Colorado, etc. What compels you to never stop discovering new horizons? M: I want to live a good story, and good stories are rarely told without a good scene change every now and then. G: What does it take in an individual to rock the denim on denim combination? M: Denim is more of a lifestyle than a clothing statement. It says practical masculinity. Some try denim on khaki, or denim on corduroy, but I really think that true testosterone can only be found in the denim on denim combo. G: Where do you think you would be today without your mustache? M: My mustache has been with me through thick and thin and it's been a blessing to know it always will be. It wasn't always easy, but I've always believed in the historical importance of the mustache. G: Do you have a motto or a special song that you carry with you each day? What's the mantra you live by? M: I live by the song "Smile" by the highly acclaimed band Sweet Action. G: Who is your celebrity crush? M: My celebrity crush is Brad Pitt in "A River RunsThrough It" or "Legends of the Fall" or Annie Banks, the bride-to-be from "Father of the Bride." G: Who would you say is the greatest man that's ever lived (besides Jesus)? ·"' M: Rivers Cuomo, l~d singer of the small, folk group Weezer. Or Robbie Shackelford. Close call. G: If you were an an1i\,al, what would you be? M: I'd love to be a bear. I'd enjoy hibernation, but I'm not crazy about salmon. Or I'd be a honey badger. They literally fear nothing. G: Where to next? M: I'm spending the spring semester studying in Greece with trips to Israel and Egypt along the way.