2010-2011 Yearbook

Hopefully, I could get a statue of myself sitting next to Uncle Bud- just hanging out by the lily pond. From the sandy beachesoftheBahamas to the "natural" state of Arkansas, Arsenio "Neo" Moss looked at life a little bit differently. Moss, a senior psychology major and Spanish minor, believed in working hard as a student but also having a little fun on the side. He also had set some goals for himself during his time at Harding. "Hopefully, I could get a statue of me sitting next to Uncle Bud, just hanging out by the lily pond," Moss said. "But I'd really like to be remembered for bringing a lot of positive energy to campus." An active leader in many campus activities, Moss said he was once a very shy individual. He came to Harding with no idea what he was getting into and was not very involved with school in his earlier days. "After I became a sophomore, I put my freshman ways behind me and started to put myself out there and be involved," Moss said. "Over time I gained more confidence. Now I feel like I can handle any challenge that comes my way ... maybe." Life had drastically changed for Moss since his life in the Bahamas. He did not get to go home as much as many other students and was extremely nervous when his family left him alone in the U.S. "I felt more lonely than Simba after Scar convinced him he had killed Mufasa," Moss said. "That's pretty lonely, wouldn't you say?" However, Moss had a number of experiences at Harding that he would never have had at home. He had the opportunity to play in the snow for the f1 rst time, ice skate and cliff-dive. He went canoeing, climbed a mountain, camped in the woods and even participated · S ring Sing. According to Moss, in the Bahamas, there was no Spring Sing. "That's why it's different. Being here has just made me more open to try new things and just live the dream," Moss said. Moss was especially grateful for the friendships he developed through men's social clubINT. "All of my experiences with [TNT] have been kind of like being on aTV sitcom," Moss said. "Some of the most ordinary situations turn into some of the most hilarious times you could think of with the occasional celebrity cameo . . . Pranking each other, playing sports, going on retreats to Tahkodah, pranking other people, devotionals, road trips and whatnot." Moss achieved a personal victory when he was made a Ju Go Ju beau his junior year. "I would liken it to feeling like a little kid on Christmas, getting a gift your parents originally told you that you couldn't have," Moss said. "It's not always easy to balance everything, but it's always worthwhile when the girls show such appreciation for our efforts." Senior Steven Ramsey admired Moss's spirit. "Neo is a fantastic man with a great heart," Ramsey said. "He loves making people laugh and laughing with them. My life has been so much better since meeting him, and I'm sure many would say the same." After graduation, Moss hoped to go to graduate school for psychology and work with school districts in the States and back home. He thought he might even get involved in politics in the Bahamas. All of this, according to Moss, was if he did not get drafted into the NFL, have a career on Broadway or become the new Old Spice guy. Corrie Morfin Samantha Covalt Early Childhood Lie. Nathan Covington Electronic Media Production Shannon Craddock General Studies Emily Crooks Nursing Sarah Crowder Nursing Carmen Cuadra Int. Business Meg Dalafave Music Ed - lnst. Cassie Davidson Nursing Elizabeth Davis Psychology Erin Davis Graphic Design seniors 61