2010-2011 Yearbook

2010 marked the 20thanniversary celebration for Harding University in Florence (HUF) directors Robbie and Mona Shackelford. The fall semester was the end of 21 years of service for the Shackelfords, longer than any other International Programs directors, including Robbie's father, Don Shackelford, who helped start HUF in 1980 and worked for international programs for 20 years. Dr. Jeff Hopper, dean of international programs, said the Shackelfords had done an incredible job integrating the HUF program with Italian culture. "Robbie and Mona are completely integrated into the neighborhood, the town of Scandicci and the city of Florence and even the Italian national government," Hopper said. "These relationships have given the HUF program an amazing presence in Italy and have enabled many wonderful opportunities for our students. They are spiritual, educational and artistic leaders that make them exemplary directors for HUF." Having grown up in Italy, Robbie Shackelford said it had been a dream of his to return to Florence to work. Getting to share their love and passion fort he Italian culture with Harding students brought such great joy to the Shackelfords. "The special experiences are so numerous," Robbie Shackelford said. "I remember the devotionals on the rocks at the port ofVernazza. I remember our devotionals in the lowest level of the St. Clement church in Rome or the singing the first day we go to Florence at the church of San Miniato. So many experiences at the vi II a with students sharing birt hdays, parties, classes, as one big happy family. The first day to Scandicci or Florence seeing the expression on faces of wonder and awe. The reading of "aha" moments in journals.The one on one time with students after lunch just visiting.The hikes, service projects, sporting events.The worshipping with t he Florence congregation or other church groups in Italy." Celebrating big, in the Italian way, three separate anniversary celebrations were held. The first anniversary celebration took place in October in the community of Scandicci with the mayor of Scandicci, Simone Gheri; the Commune; and even Florence dignitaries, who all celebrated for more than six hours at the Scandicci city hall and then back at the villa. The second celebration took place in December in Searcy, Ark. , where the Shackelfords were honored once again for their years of dedication and service. "The mayor of Scandicci will be here along with other Italian visitors," Hopper said. "This event features a fund-raiser for orphans in Zambia and Robbie's art wi II be shown and auctioned." Shackelford explained the purpose of the art auction. "I have painted paintings of ex-HUF students that have either gone to HIZ or gone to Zambia to help with the children's homes that HIZ works with," Shackelford said. "The proceeds from the paintings and prints at the Dec. 4 celebration will go to the children's home. I wanted in this way to connect the oldest international program, HUF, with the youngest, HIZ." The third celebration took place at the Parthenon in Nashville, Tenn., in December for Harding alumni in the area. "[T]he experience with HUF has surpassed the expectations of the dream," Shackelford said. "Mona and I have been very blessed and pray that we too have been a blessing to those that have come our way." Nicole Guilla 52 student life