2010-2011 Yearbook

Hiking up the historic Odontos Railroad in Greece, senior Jimmo Cornelius and juniors Holey Main, Lauren Tonkersley and Stephen Crowder head to the ski village of Kolovrito April 6. This group hod to hike about 20 miles because the train was on strike Courtesy ofAddie Loeffler The HUG group gets in racing form as they pretend to toke port in on ancient race in Olympia Mar. 17. The group stopped to see the original location of the Olympics on their tour of northern Greece Courtesy of}immo Cornelius In Israel, senior Don Amstutz, recent graduate Matt Voss and juniors David Schilling and Carlton Norris raft down the Jordon River June 10. They mode their own most for the raft out of floating bamboo and a T-shirt. Courtesy of David Schilling 4 6 student life