2010-2011 Yearbook

Sophomore Mindy Gross stands with HUE director Lauren Bryon Knight in the London Eye, overlooking the city It tokes 30 minutes for the Eye,the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, to make a full rotation. Courtesy of Mary bw Senior Stephanie Gregory and sophomores Courtney Stone and Travis Medina walk down the royal mile in EdinbuiQrl."Scotlond. The walk took place during the first nine'"doys of the semester, when the group traveled around Scotland and Ireland. Courtesy of Caroline Damron On Nov. 11. sophomores Lyndsey Ammons, Mindy Gross and Courtney Stone wait outside the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows premiere in Leister Square. The premiere was only a 10 minute walk down the street from where the students lived. Courtesy of Caroline Damron HUE 45