2010-2011 Yearbook

The citv of London was both full of history and making history at 'the same time, and what better way to live it than through the Harding University in England (HUE) program? A typical day included anything from taking a stroll down the block to the British Museum or hopping on the Tube and visiting Westminster Abbey, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, London Bridge or otherfamous sites. One HUE student, senior Stephanie Gregory, had the experience of a lifetime at Leicester Square, one of the most famous red carpet movie premiere venues in the world. Today was the day: this was the day that I'd been waiting for since I read that first book. I had my wand in hand, my broom in my bag, my dress robe on and I was all ready to take a trip to Hogwarts- and boy, did I take a trip. Today was the day Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One was premiering in London at Leicester Square. Although the stars were not scheduled to arrive unti/6 p.m., I wanted to make sure I got there in time to grab the perfect spot to lay my eyes on the dreamy Rupert Grint, so /left our flat at 9 a.m. sharp. Talk about a long day. I thought I was going to be one of the first people to arrive at the premiere set-up, but boy, was I wrong. I found out people had been waiting outside for the event for three days prior to the premiere. Rainy old London really stood up to its name today; the weather was definitely not compliant. It rained cats and dogs, or should I say owls and house elves. But as the evening approached, the skies cleared and we were ready for the Harry Potter celebrities. As six o'clock ticked closer and closer we felt as if we were in the midst of Hogwarts, with fires flaming from lamp posts and Dementors lining the walkways. I almost used the Patronus Charm on them until someone told me they were actors (that was a little embarrassing). The first of the stars began arriving soon after 6:00p.m., and everyone at Leicester Square started to go nuts. Rupert Grint, better known as Ron We as ley, was the first ofthe three to show up. I must say he is even cuter in person than in the movies. He melted my heart when he came within inches of mel I almost fainted. The next to arrive was Emma Watson (or Hermione Granger). She looked so grown up with her short haircut. She did not come as close to me as Ron did, but she still looked great. I think if we were to ever meet in real life, we would be the best of friends. The last of the three to arrive was Harry Potter himself (Daniel Radcliffe in "real life"). He did not sign autographs for very long because he had to go inside for more important business. I think he needed to defe.at Volde- I mean "He Who Must Not Be Named"- before the premiere began. We got to see several other Harry Potter celebrities there, too, like Fred and George Weasley, Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weas!ey, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Minerva McGonaga/1, Albus Dumbledore, Hagrid, Voldemort, Sirius Black and many others. I also got to see J.K. Rawling, author of the entire series/ Thousands ofpeople crowded to see the stars that evening. It would have been nice if I could have used the Wingardium Leviosa charm to fly above the crowds and see my favorite actors. I felt I was fully prepared to attend this premiere since I had had the opportunity at HUE to visit several places important to the creation of Harry Potter. I visited Platform 9% at the King's Cross train station and ate dinner at the Elephant House in Edinburgh, Scotland, where Rawling began writing the first Harry Potter book. From the back of the restaurant you could see the boarding school that inspired Hogwarts. We even got to go to the place that looked exactly like Diagon Alley! Going to the premiere was great, but it was just another day at HUE. We will see what tomorrow brings. Perhaps I will get to see the queen or fall in love with aprince. The opportunities in London are endless/ Stephanie Gregory 4 4 student life