2010-2011 Yearbook

I "The Church iSnota physical building, but a group of believers; not a denomination, sect, or association, but a spiritual body. The Church is not an organization, but a communion, a fellowship of one body, and it includes all believers." - John MacArthur, The Church: The Body of Christ Highway Church of Christ embodied that message of service when its college minister came up with the idea to spend their Sunday serving and worshipping with the homeless of Little Rock for the first time on October 12, 2010. Sophomore Morgan Jones got to share this unique experience with other college students in helping and spending time with the homeless. "It gave us an opportunity to worship and share God's love with people from much different backgrounds than us," Jones said. The group not only got to serve the homeless, but also got to see firsthand how they worshipped. "My favorite memory was the man who talked before the Lord's Supper," Jones said. "His message was very emotional and really touched me. He talked about how material things really didn't matter and that God died for everyone." Junior John Mark Adkison said working with the children, most of whom attended without their parents, was his favorite part of the experience. "The kids were shy at first," Adkison said. "Then the preacher asked the kids to sit among all of us students, and within minutes the kids couldn't stop talking with us." Through the homeless ministry, students at Highway felt they were getting close to the kind of church Jesus would have participated in. "Highway is putting such an emphasis on service, and I think that's awesome," Adkison said. "In a sense, they are revolutionizing Sunday morning class." Sharing a meal with the children was real communion, according to Adkison. "It was awesome to see how excited the kids got when they saw r~at we fixed them food," Adkison said. "ThE!y were just so happy to see us there. Their faces-aU'-fit up." Caitlin Caldwell weekend life 3 9